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  • I've lived and breathed fitness my whole life.


  • I've always exercised, I've always worked out.

    我總是不斷的健身, 持續的運動。

  • It's a passion of mine, and it's a passion of most of the people that work in this company.

    不論是我,或是喬山的同仁, 對於喬山的工作都充滿熱情。

  • It's about serving a greater good, right?


  • And so we're trying to produce these products to contribute to health and well being;


  • a better quality of life.


  • So what we have to focus on is how do we get people exercising?


  • Obviously it's been a challenge for a number of years.


  • So it's our focus to create products that are not intimidating,


  • that are comfortable and fun to use.


  • So that's our focus.


  • We can't change what lifting weights is like.


  • We can't change what walking or running on a treadmill is like,


  • but what we can do is change all the peripheral experiences.


  • What I want people to do when they come in and see our product, is to not be intimidated.

    我希望民眾進來時, 不會對我們的健身器材感到有距離。

  • And we want to make sure it's a beautiful design, an approachable design,

    我們希望能確保提供外型優美, 且易於操作的產品設計,

  • and then, when they get on the product, to have a great user experience.

    然後讓民眾在使用這些健身器材時, 能擁有最棒的使用經驗。

  • Something that's engaging, something that's motivational.

    我們想要創造出能吸引民眾使用、 激勵民眾使用的健身器材。

  • So if we can help meet their goals, whether it be losing weight,

    如果我們能協助民眾達成目標, 無論他們的目標是減重,

  • or recovering from a medical condition,


  • and adults can play with their children for a longer period of time,


  • people can have that greater quality of life.


  • We can take them out of their bedroom, or their study, or their basement, or their garage

    我們能讓民眾離開床鋪、 書桌、地下室或車庫,

  • into a different world, and hopefully an inspiring world,


  • an engaging world that they can enjoy exercising.


  • Johnson's company philosophy is:


  • Health.


  • Health. Value.

    健康 . 價值

  • Health. Value. Sharing.

    健康 . 價值 . 共享 。

  • The story of how we got started is fascinating.


  • Mr. Peter Lo, who's a native of Taiwan, wanted to get into business.


  • That's probably 35 years ago.


  • In that time, my father, in order to make a living for his family,


  • he needed to work very hard, so that's why he decided to create his own business.


  • So he, and an assistant, Jean Hung,


  • wrote 2,000 letters to different companies all over the United States.


  • And finally, one reached back to him, and he said he could do it.

    終於,羅董事長收到了一家公司的回覆, 對方表示願意和喬山合作

  • And he was going to be manufacturing barbells.


  • But Peter didn't know what a barbell was, and Peter didn't know what a weight plate was.

    但是,羅董事長並不知道什麼是啞鈴, 也不知道什麼是配重塊

  • So he sketched out the drawing on a napkin, put it in the mail, sent it to Peter Lo,


  • And he looked at the drawings, and after he hung up the phone with Ivanko

    羅董事長看著圖, 並在結束與Ivanko的通話後,

  • he looked at the person next to him and said "what is this?" and "we have to make it".

    看著身邊的人,說: 「這是什麼?」「好, 我們一定要生產這個東西」。

  • And that was our first order for Ivanko barbells back in 1975.

    這就是我們在1975年 從Ivanko得到的第一份啞鈴訂單。

  • This is our first foundry.


  • The industry was really at its birth point.


  • Nobody had any idea that this industry would get as large as it's become today.

    大家都沒想到這個產業會發展成 今日的規模。

  • It's incredible that Peter started off from very humble beginnings

    最不可思議的是,羅崑泉董事長是從非常小的起點 開始他的事業

  • to actually getting to where he is now,


  • with over 2 million square feet of manufacturing plants.


  • We are a global company. We're a company of the 21st century.

    喬山是一間跨國企業。 喬山是一間擁有未來的公司。

  • It's wonderful, actually, working for a family that's very much involved in the business.

    能為喬山這個大家庭全心投入事業 真的很棒。

  • There's an absolute passion, which inspires every individual to go with them.

    我們對公司擁有一種無庸置疑的熱情, 而這股熱情會激勵每一位跟隨喬山的人。

  • One of the things that we're doing that relates to design,


  • that we're doing better than our competitors, is just listening.

    我們做得比其他廠商更好的地方 就是傾聽客戶的需求。

  • That sounds like a simple thing, but one of the key functions in a designer's head

    聽起來似乎很簡單,不過,這是設計師腦袋中的 關鍵功能之一,

  • is to listen to people, understand the problem.

    就是傾聽使用者的心聲、 瞭解他們的問題。

  • And so, I think innovation is all around understanding a market problem,

    同樣的,我認為創新就是要 瞭解市場問題,

  • and we develop these problem statements so we can create solutions.

    具體陳述問題, 然後提出解決方案。

  • We have a mixture of people that we will bring in


  • to help us with our product development and design,


  • everything from end users, people that use and exercise on a daily basis,

    這些使用器材的族群包羅萬象, 從每天固定運動習慣的使用者,

  • through to people that have never gone into a health club before.


  • We'll get ten people in, a small person, a large person,

    我們會募集10個人, 有身材高大,也有身材嬌小的人,

  • and we'll say "hey, how does this feel to you?"

    我們會說:「您好, 請問你使用這一項產品的心得為何?」

  • If there was any complaint, it's that I can't get my hands

    使用者抱怨: 他沒辦法整個手握住手握把

  • all the way around it.


  • Too big.


  • It's too big and really hard to grip.


  • This is understanding the needs of the customer in real time.


  • So we don't just design a product and then let it go,

    所以,我們不會在設計出產品後 就置之不理。

  • we like to learn, and we like to evolve, and just make that product better.

    我們喜歡學習,也喜歡成長, 然後讓產品變得更好。

  • When we're talking to owners, for example, they're telling us


  • "well, I want more machines in my club."


  • So that tells us maybe they need to be a little more compact.

    這就是在告訴我們, 也許我們的健身器材必須更不佔空間、更精緻。

  • So one machine is designed to fit next to another one.


  • They get more machines in, they get more customers, they make more money.

    俱樂部業者就能放更多數量的健身器材, 容納更多顧客,也獲得更多的收入。

  • We want trainer feedback, as well, to make sure that we can provide the right tools

    我們也希望健身教練回饋意見, 並且為他們提供正確的產品,

  • for them to allow their clients to be successful, whatever their goals or objectives are.

    讓這些產品能協助客戶順利達成目標, 不論目標是什麼。

  • In terms of what's important to them, how easy it is to use, how intuitive it is.

    對他們而言,最重要的就是健身器材是否易於使用, 以及能否以直覺使用。

  • We focus on that service technician and making their jobs easier.

    此外,在產品設計上我們也注重售後服務 讓客服人員更容易從事保養與維修。

  • We're supplying some very large health club chains around the world


  • where they can get up to 500 people coming through within an hour,


  • and maybe they're not going to be too gentle on the equipment.


  • So when we talk about manageable, we're saying,

    我們在討論管理難易度時, 通常會說:

  • "well, a guy's got to take a machine apart, completely, inside and out.


  • How can he do it quickly and effectively?"


  • So we design the machine to be broken down and cleaned fast.


  • We're just constantly trying to evolve, and just trying to improve,


  • and we're not set on our laurels, and saying "here it is and goodbye."

    我們不會在戴上勝者的皇冠時, 說:「到此為止就好。」

  • It's working with that partner right the way through.


  • It's a humble organization in that we don't believe we have all the answers,

    喬山是一個態度謙遜的企業, 我們不認為我們能知道所有的答案,

  • we value that input and we build it into our process.

    但是我們重視所有的建議, 並會在製程中採納這些建議。

  • One of our key advantages is that we are vertically integrated.

    我們擁有的關鍵優勢之一, 就是一條龍式的生產鏈。

  • We control the process from the beginning to the end.


  • When we make a roller in Taiwan or Shanghai, we control what bearing goes in that.

    我們也可在台灣或上海製造滾輪, 控制軸承的生產情形。

  • This is really what differentiates Johnson Health Tech to our competitors


  • because we have this total control over our production and manufacturing.


  • We don't source a lot of our components. We're able to control the quality,

    我們不需要向外採購許多零組件, 因此更能控制產品品質、

  • control the costs, and provide a better value for our customers.


  • From the point of choosing the materials,


  • through to the individuals who are assembling the machine,


  • right through to the quality of the level of customer service that we're able to deliver.


  • Customer care is important because we are the face of the company.

    顧客關懷是非常重要, 因為客服人員是公司面對顧客的第一道門面。

  • So it's important that we answer the calls quickly,


  • we listen to our customers and we take care of their needs as quickly as we can.


  • You have to be able to get down and get dirty with the equipment,

    即使我們的客服人員必須親自拆解設備, 也要提供一個滿意的答案給顧客

  • take the parts out, put them in, so that you really know

    我們會這樣做是因為拆開零件,再組裝回去, 才能真正瞭解問題的所在

  • what you're talking about when you have the customer on the phone.


  • There's no excuses when you deal with our company.


  • We own quality the whole way through.


  • If you look back to 1970, the products were crude,

    如果你回顧一下1970年, 就會知道當時的健身產品是如何粗製濫造,

  • they were just ugly bare metal in some cases,


  • and we fundamentally changed the fitness image from those times.

    但是喬山從那時起,就徹底顛覆了 健身器材在民眾心目中的形象。

  • We really revolutionized the industry.


  • We're able to make equipment that solves one of the hardest problems

    我們製造的健身器材能解決業界遭遇到 最困難的問題,

  • in the industry which is "how am I going to stay with this exercise program?"


  • So when you walk in the door everyday, you're thinking,

    所以當你每一天走進公司時, 就會想:

  • "I'm doing some good here for people in terms of a better quality of life

    「喬山正在為民眾做一件重要的事, 就是改善他們的生活品質,

  • and I've got some really cool products, and some great passionate people behind it."

    喬山擁有很棒的產品, 還有一群熱心的夥伴支持我們。」

  • One of the things you often wonder in design circles is you put out a new look,

    在產品設計過程中,經常感到疑惑不解的是: 推出新穎外型時,

  • you put out a new product, and you don't know if it's really hitting home.

    卻不知道 這一項產品是否會成功。

  • What we have here is a situation where people come to our building and they say

    不過,喬山的情況是 當民眾造訪我們公司時,就會說:

  • "you know, I tried out your new Ascent Trainer. I tried out your new G7 design.

    「你們知道嗎?我試用了新的Matrix Ascent Trainer, 和Matrx G7 重量訓練器材」。

  • I loved it."


  • And, when you hear those stories, it drives that passion, and that inspiration

    當你聽到這些故事時, 就會重新燃起熱情並感覺受到激勵,

  • to want to continue to develop great products that lead to a healthy and active lifestyle,

    而想要繼續開發優秀的產品, 讓人們能過著積極健康的生活,

  • and just a greater quality of life.


I've lived and breathed fitness my whole life.



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